miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

listening 2

Jose Roberto Osornio Chaparro
Listening 2 Homework 2
Do this exercise while you listen. Circle True or False for these sentences.
1. Andy Wells has written a guide to theme parks around the world.                      True      False
2. Andy says his job doesn’t feel like hard work.                                                               True      False
3. Cedar Point in Ohio has life-sized moving dinosaurs.                                                 True      False
4. On a wingcoaster the track is next to you, not under you.                                       True      False
5. At the Islands of Adventure in Florida you can meet Harry Potter.                       True      False
6. Ocean Park in Hong Kong has sea animals but no rides.                                            True      False
7. A dark ride is a ride inside a building.                                                                               True      False
8. The “place to watch” for theme parks is Japan.                                                            True      False
3. Check your understanding: multiple choice
Do this exercise while you listen. Circle the best option to complete these sentences.
1. Magic Kingdom at Disney World in Florida has_________ number of visitors .
a) the largest area   b) the most rides      c)the biggest
2. Cedar Point in Ohio is introducing _____
a) a new rollercoaster  b)more frightening        c) animatronic dinosaurs .
3. Andy thinks a wingcoaster is_______ rollercoaster.
a)  more relaxing      b)more frightening         c)more exciting than a normal
4. Andy thinks the tour of Hogwarts School is better for ______ of selling magic sweets
a) young children          b) really well done              c)just a way
5. Lotte World, a huge park in South Korea, has the world’s_____
a) biggest indoor theme park     b) the most water rides in the world   c) has a New York street section .
6. China will soon have the world’s_____
a) biggest dinosaur tour      b) the world’s biggest zoo        c) the world’s tallest Ferris wheel

Listening 2

Preparation: matching
Match the two parts of the question and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8.
1…h….. When do you usually get                                                             a. to do when you finish school?
2…e….. When do you usually do                                                               b. with the staff at school?
3…g.. What is your average mark                                             c. an exam?
4…c.. How do you feel before doing                                       d. to school?
5…b….. What kind of relationship do you have                  e. your homework?
6…d….. Where do you usually sit                                                             f. studying before an exam?
7…f.. How much time do you spend                                       g. in tests?
8…a….. What do you want                                                          h. in class?

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice
Circle the best answer to these questions.
1. At the beginning the teacher asks the students to think carefully about …
a. the questions.              b. their answers.                             c. where they sit.
2. The answers the students choose will be seen by …
a. the other students.                   b. the teacher.                 c. nobody.
3. The first question is about the time …
a. students arrive at school.                        b. students spend at school.       c. students leave.
4. The teacher asks about …
a. where students do their homework.                 b. how much time students spend doing their homework.
c. when the students do their homework.

5. In question three, students who normally get half marks should answer …
a. A.                      b. B.                                      c. C.
6. Question four is about the students’ relationship with …
a. people in their lives outside school.                   b. people working at the school.
c. people studying at the school.
7. The teacher thinks some students prefer to sit in the middle of the class so that …
a. they can hear the teacher without being right at the front.
b. they can have pleasant thoughts without following the lesson.
c. no one will notice them using their phones.
8. Question six is about students’ …
a. exam results.                b. future career.                              c. plans for the future.
9. Students with mostly As have a good …
a. attitude towards studying.
b. idea about what they want to do in the future.
c. network of support at school.
10. Students with mostly Bs need to …
a. become excellent students.
b. increase the time they spend studying.
c. change some of their habits.
11. Students with mostly Cs are probably …
a. wasting a lot of their time.
b. unable to do any better.
c. going to be unemployed in the future.
12. Students with mostly Cs should …
a. join the homework club.
b. try to change as soon as possible.
c. leave school at the first opportunity.

Write the word to fill the gaps.
1. The quiz is designed to find out what kind of ____students_____ you are.
2. The teacher tells the students to pay ____attention__ to what she is saying.
3. One question asks about the students’ average ___mark_________ in tests.
4. Another question asks about students’ relationship with the _staff____________ at the school.
5. For some people, what they do after school _______depends__ on their exam results.
6. Students with mostly A answers have a good _____attitude____ towards studying.
7. Students with mostly B answers can improve and ____become_______ excellent students.
8. If ‘C’ students don’t change, they might leave school without any __qualification______.

Listening 3
Circle True or False for these sentences.
1. The students will be taking exams soon.                                                         True                      False
2. A revision timetable could be from one to six weeks.                                True                     False
3. No one can really concentrate properly with music on.                             True                      False
4. You should try to forget about the internet, text messages, Twitter,
Facebook, etc. while you're studying.                                                                    True                      False
5. You should try not to have a break until you really need one.                True                      False
6. Underlining or highlighting your notes is better than writing more notes.        True      False
7. Mind maps are good because they mirror the way the brain works.                   True      False
8. The most important thing is to remember the information. You don't have
to understand it.                                                                                                                            True      False
Complete the gaps with a word or phrase.
1. Some of you are probably fantastic at studying, really organised and ___good at concentration_____.
2. It’s a good idea to have some kind of ____plan________ or _____time___.
3. If you’re studying for an important exam, it’s important to think __long term__________.
4. Make sure the place where you’re going to study is __comfortable____, with no distracting
5. If you have to work near a TV, you might have to use ___headphones_ to drown out the sound of
the TV.
6. While you’re studying, you should __forget____ the internet, text message, Facebook, etc.
7. You should plan your studying and take regular ___break____.
8. It is better to write notes, so your mind is ___processing___ the information more.
9. Mind maps seem to work in the same way the __brain_______ works.
10. Which study method you choose all depends on your personal ___preference______.

sentences with collocations 2

sentences with collocations 1

16. this month the salary increased in the area of finance
17. I am involved in a crime because I didn´t say nothing
18. I´m interested in her because she is awesome
19. this new business sounds good, I think that I need to invest in it
20. this picerver has an impact on the sales
21. I have a suggestion about the changes of forniture for the office
22. Hillary said that if she wins she will get on people
23.If you fix a time for the meeting I will give you a gift
24. The old employee said goodbye from his job and he don´t explain why

25.Today the chineses fixed time with me to do business  

Copies from COPYTEC about graphs

quiz 11

promotional item letter

Dear Mr Sanchez,
I would be grateful if you could suggest a suitable time to give me some information about the new product which are  bluetooth speakers. This new kind of speakers are waterproof and we can shower with them and sing with style. And how to sell them? You can enter to  www.freesales.com and our first costumer who purchases and increases them by 15 percent in a lapse of 5 months, will get a discount.
I know that you are in charge of one of the biggest electronic shops and have very good internet sales I believe that you will take the best opportunity to innovate in the market with us.
Looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely 

José Roberto